Alpamayo trek


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See the Alpamayo trekking route day by in 3d images

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The trekking route day by day in 3d images

Day 1: Huaraz - Llanganuco - Vaqueria - Paria

Day 1: Huaraz - Llanganuco - Vaqueria - Paria

Day 2: Paria - Paso Punta Union - Tuctu

Day 2: Paria - Paso Punta Union - Tuctu

Day 3: Tuctu - Paso Alto Pukahirka - Huecrococha

Day 3: Tuctu - Paso Alto Pukahirka - Huecrococha

Day 4: Huecrococha - Paso Tupa Tupa - Jankapampa

Day 4: Huecrococha - Paso Tupa Tupa - Jankapampa

Day 5: Jankapampa - Paso Yanapunta - Huillca

Day 5: Jankapampa - Paso Yanapunta - Huillca

Day 6: Huillca - Paso Cara Cara - Jancarurish

Day 6: Huillca - Paso Cara Cara - Jancarurish

Day 7: Jancarurish, bascamp of Alpamayo

Day 7: Jancarurish, bascamp of Alpamayo

Day 8: Jancarurish - Paso Ventuna - Osoruri

Day 8: Jancarurish - Paso Ventuna - Osoruri

Day 9: Osoruri - Paso Lampapashillun - Wishkash

Day 9: Osoruri - Paso Lampapashillun - Wishkash

Day 10: Wishkash - Hualcayan - Huaraz

Day 10: Wishkash - Hualcayan - Huaraz